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This is a different world!

Looking back, it is tough to remember the moment we left the old world behind, and now, we are about to enter this new world. The world we lived in has vanished suddenly. We are in a transit phase from an era of Before COVID-19 (BC) and Post COVID-19 (PC). 

Nearly all sectors, including the hospitality industry, are in a shock mode – seeing pandemic washing out their aspirations and millions of dollars. Neither an organisation’s leadership nor its strategies are spared in today’s Post-COVID-19 era. Currently, many hotels and resorts have come to terms with the reality of 0% occupancies and no real business on books. This is the global economy’s most abrupt and consequential shock, which is faster and more severe than the 2008 global financial crisis and even the Great Depression. In those two previous episodes, stock markets collapsed by 50% or more, credit markets froze up, massive bankruptcies followed, unemployment rates soared above 10%, and GDP contracted at an annualised rate of 10% or more. But all of this took around three years to play out. In the current crisis, similarly dire macroeconomic and financial outcomes have emerged in just three weeks.

So, welcome to the brave VUCA world! More than ever, we are at the uncharted land with prospects for some surprises. It is impossible to predict how markets will evolve. The writing is on the wall – In the coming months, most of us, in our own unique way is going to experience anxieties. This unusual episode, whose effects we cannot yet imagine, has left us speculating about the future. Even if we manage to defeat the deadly viral outbreak, our world will never be the same again.

In times to come, we may tell some engaging anecdotes or stories to our grandkids of this exclusive event of our lifetime, that took our world with shock. We might say – The most significant contribution we made to the society at that time was to stay at home, work from home, and missed the regular trips to malls as there were bigger problems to focus on. We recalled our traditions – I remember my grandma and her rules. No one is allowed to enter into the house without washing their feet and hands. So we really ‘lived’ those moments. 

I’m a hospitality enthusiast and always loved the commendable spirit of this industry to rebound and to re-build. After speaking to many of my connections in the hospitality world – I’m driven to write this blog. Today, even though most of them are venturing into unthought-of territories and career insecurities are looming on them – but sense of empathy, solidarity, emotional bond and commitment is mutual and worth applauding.

As C.J. Redwine said, “losing your head in a crisis is a good way to become the crisis.” So this is not a moment to surrender to a crisis. As every crisis creates an opportunity that helps you realize your own potential. 

It is “wait and see” stage, as soon as the lockdown phase is over, many companies will evaluate the damage, and they will create their own survival strategy for regular cash flows.

Below are a few suggestions that may trigger your thoughts. Through the below suggestions (this by no means exhaustive) I’m exploring how these changes may evolve the future of our working world and how we can prepare ourselves for a Post-COVID-19 Era: 

Time to Master Our Mind – To face the new world, we must be agile, ambidextrous, keep learning, and give up our fears, as most of our fears are illusions. As Kevin Abdul Rahman said“The biggest game you will ever play is the game in your mind. Master your mind, master your world”. To handle crisis, replace thoughts that make you feel like a victim, e.g., “Why is this happening to me?” with “What is this situation trying to tell me?” Learn from the experience as this might be a game-changer. Then, trust your instinct, take risks, be curious, don’t be afraid to fail, and work hard for the things you love – as one of the Bollywood legend said “When you really desire something from the heart and soul, all the universe conspires you to achieve it.” so go for it! 

New Post COVID-19 Era Jobs & Job title – To manage payroll in the hospitality sector, we may possibly see new job titles in the market. These titles will be a merge of two or three different jobs in a related department. This will lead to the creation of new job descriptions with new standards of doing a task and partial removal of the old SOPs. 

Workplace Design – Leaders may possibly be managing virtual teams. Work From Home (WFH) culture might come as a new norm for few departments only, and some colleagues may be doing what we call the ‘one-minute commute” between their bed and their laptop. And, weekly meetings might be called as a “Virtual Coffee with Manager.”  Work is predicted to be more collective, less routine, more specialised, more virtual, more self-disciplined, and more focused

New Organisational Structure – Likely to see a paradigm shift and new models are predicted to emerge from being office-based to a more hands-on, on the field role and consultancy support roles. For example:

  • Flexible and on-demand teams formed for specific tasks or Taskforce
  • Formalised teams established for projects
  • Outsourcing (partial or full ) services for some departments to reduce payrolls.

Most of these structures will come as a business experiment. Unfortunately, the future will not bring best practices. The future will be experimental. There will be no size fits all. And what works in one company will not do so in another.

Pace and Productivity – The work will be more demanding. As the number of tasks to accomplish in a given time period with “the highest quality” will increase. You might land up doing a work for two or three positions. So be a master of your domain. Take advantage of your existing skills to attain short-term goals, but be explorative in developing new capabilities and competencies at the same time. This requires you to move from performance zone to the learning zone – So keep working and keep learning! 

Leadership – Leaders will need to model the right ‘value-branded’ behaviors. Colleague Engagement will be more important than ever. Development programmes like Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Diversity Quotient(DQ), Coaching, Mentoring, Health and Hygiene Intelligence, Agility, Digital Proficiency (Social Media, Blogging), Data Analysis, Digital Presentation Skills, Complex Problem Solving, Change Management, and Blue Ocean Shift are some of the new world behaviors that need to be mastered. 

Digital Learning – Learning will become more self-directed or a DIY Learning (Do-It-Yourself), online, self-paced, rather than instructor-led courses. 

Like every beginning has an end. This, too, will one day come to an end. When this is over, may we never again take for granted a genuine handshake with a stranger, crowded roads, crowded theatres, crowded outlets, school rush each morning, the roaring stadiums, and wishing someone “God Bless You” if someone sneezes in front of us. When this will end, may we find that we have become more like the people we wanted to be, we were called to be, we hoped to be, and may we stay that way – better for each other because of the worst.  

 Therefore, we shouldn’t be under no obligation to remain the same person we were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago – we are here to create ourselves continuously. Our grades and experience will not define our intellect in the Post COVID-19 era. So, let us be teachable! We’re not always right – humility is necessary for survival and growth! Keep learning. Keep un-learning. Keep re-learning.  

At DeANTS, we’ve half day Programme on Crisis=Opportunity, we will help your leaders to know how the post COVID era hospitality jobs/leadership requirement will be which will help them self-reflect on their readiness and prepare for future. Contact me on or visit us at

Folks, as I’m a firm believer in this equation, Crisis = Opportunity, so stay positive, be patient, and one day we will thank ourselves for not giving up. Keep well!