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Programme Overview

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is more relevant today than any other time in the history of the world. Your opportunity to succeed in the Post COVID era will depend a great deal on your ability to manage your emotions and responses based on your objective assessment of different personalities and situations.

This newly found emotional “awareness” allows you to be persistent in your careers, communicate more effectively, manage your managers, and achieve your career goals in a shorter amount of time.

Acquire knowledge on the VUCA world and state the importance of EQ in a post COVID era

Explain Six Seconds EQ framework of Know yourself, Choose yourself and Give yourself

Interpret and manage your emotions, and recognise your behaviour patterns

Apply consequential thinking, learn how to navigate emotions, and balance optimism and pessimism

Develop the power of empathy and learn seven stages of listening with empathy

Pursue a noble goal and recognise your sense of purpose

Get your EQ Brain Discovery Profile (BDP), and state how does your brain - focus, decide and drive

Get insights on how your brain prefers to use your EQ?

Learn how can you best use your brain's capabilities

Identify and utilise your brain's critical strengths for creating the future.

Meet The Trainer

Course Review

Knowledge gained during this programme
Participation and Interaction were encouraged during the programme
Trainer was engaging and effective
I found the programme engaging and effective
Vocabulary and theories used in programme were easy to understand
Iā€™m motivated to implement my learning