Tripat Pic


In the times to come, we will recall 2020 as the year of Transformation that changed the course of human history forever. If we look at history, the whole human history is full of such transformations. However, in the past, all the human Transformation was founded upon the factor of time – There were no quick fix! Today, the pace with which this remarkable change has transformed our lives is incredible. With the list of changes and Transformation, COVID-19 has fast-tracked the world to roughly 25 years into the future.

COVIDs disruption has also led to the loss in businesses, resulting in job losses or pay cuts. In the past, people or businesses resisted changing because they focused on “what they have to give up”, instead of “what they have to gain”. For all those talented professionals or businesses who were stopping themselves in the past from taking risks to pursue their dreams have realized that the word called “Security”, “Safe bet”, “Certainty” are mere illusions.

Thus, the time has come to live our dreams, and accept the change. As change might be risky but “not changing” will be riskier. Remember – “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. Reference: Charles Darwin.

By strengthening our Resilience, we can adjust to the fast-paced change, and master the skills of bouncing back in our businesses and in our careers.

Resilience – is our capacity to identify the situation, take ownership, find solutions and opportunities, and bounce back from the adversity. When we are using our strength of Resilience, it gives us the confidence that the ongoing struggle is momentary. 

Following are the four capabilities, that can help you build your Resilience:

  1. Choose emotions that can help you move forward:Master your mind and master your world. When you are sailing in a challenging situation – feeling fear, stressed, helpless, nervous, insecure is the right set of feeling. But they are not alone the feelings. You also feel hopeful, eager, excited and have deep determination. Acknowledge the feelings as they are and select the feelings that can help you move forward.
  2. Be Courageous: Give up fears, as most of our fears are illusions. If you want to do something you have never done, then you must be willing to do something “new” that you have never done – That’s courage. Courage doesn’t mean you are fearless. Courage means feeling the fear, knowing that it might not work, or knowing that you lack few skills – acknowledging that and taking immediate actions.
  3. Exercise Optimism:  To face the adversities, exercising Optimism competency helps you to take deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.

a.)   To handle adversities, replace thoughts that make you feel like a victim, e.g.,

– “Why is this happening to me?” with “What is this situation trying to tell me?”

 -Learn from the Experience as this might be a game-changer.  

b.)  Be a bounce house – For any situation, there are upsides and downsides.

 Introspect – what part of the problem is in your control?

c.)   Imagine – To envision the unknown, blend emotional openness with your knowledge and skills. Self-reflect – what steps you can take to move forward and make your small first “big” move. 

-If you are a business head, brainstorm ideas with your team.

-If you are an individual, take coaching support, with a professional coach. 

  1. Risk Tolerance. How you evaluate a situation shapes your perspective. Reading a situation, you need to identify if step which you are taking is “uncomfortable” for you or it is “dangerous” for you. If it is uncomfortable, take a step forward. You know you might fall, but you don’t give up – it is like a Toddler learning to walk. You keep looking at the future potentials, your dream – and you keep walking.  

 Always remember: Diamonds are formed under pressure. Grapes must be crushed to make wine. Olives are pressed to released oil. Seeds grow in darkness. 

Whenever you feel under pressurecrushed, pressed, or in darkness, you are in a great place of Transformation. Trust the process!  

Resilience is a learnable skill; we have designed engaging Web Café on Zoom. To know more, send us a note at  or visit our website at, and we will guide you further.

Folks, follow your dreams and master the art of bouncing back. As, the comeback is always stronger than the setback!